MoJo Consulting, LLC
MoJo Consulting, LLC


Frank McKinney is President and CEO of MOJO Consulting and has held numerous C-Level Sales & Marketing roles in both private equity & public companies including: Ford Motor Company, Sunrise Medical, Kinetic Concepts, Kimball International, Fortune Brands, Bank of America's Venture Group, Tri-anim Health Services & Viant Medical.


MoJo Consulting specializes in Recruiting/Hiring & Training ISR's (Independent Sales Representatives & Distributors (U.S. & Worldwide), M & A Advice and Strategic Planning/Development, Execution & Review.


Frank is also an Expert Witness in Sales Representative Contracts, Compensation, Distribution (U.S. and Worldwide) and Pricing. He is an active member of the Business Navigators/formerly CEO Netweavers & Dallas Business Club, both of which are altruistic networking groups.  












Maximize Opportunities and Justify Options, that's MOJO Consulting LLC


MOJO provides companies a wide variety of business development & consulting assistance to effectively Plan and fully Develop both Current & Target Markets & Grow Revenues in Private Equity, Healthcare, Automotive/Retail, Tax Services and Signage.


We assist our clients to Maximize Opportunities and Justify Options (MOJO) in today's highly competitive marketplace.


Simply allow MoJo assist in identifying your Key Challenges, Resolve Obstacles & Plan for current & future growth (Revenues, EBITDA & Arbitrage).


MoJo Think's Outside the Box to assist in growing your business. Please surf our site for MOJO Services & email or call us @ (903)-520-0936.



Welcome to MoJo Consulting, LLC.

Would you like to know more about MoJo Consulting, have a free consultation or quote? Just call us at (903) 520-0936 or send an email to 

How to Contact Us:

MoJo Consulting, LLC


903 520-0936





Expert Witness: Sales Contracts, Compensation, Pricing & Distribution

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